Forthcoming material on patent litigation strategy

I’m planning to soon post (either as web pages or as blog posts) new material from a lengthy Strategy section in the forthcoming Patent Litigation book. Some planned posts:

  • Why litigate patent infringement? (Cost/benefit assessment for patent owner, and for potential defendant)
  • Some reasonable bases for patent litigation
  • Some bad reasons for patent litigation
  • Non-litigation uses for patents
  • Alternatives to patent litigation
  • Alternatives (both IP and market-based) to patenting
  • Patent valuation: a claims-based approach
  • Settlement of patent litigation
  • Patent licensing
  • Pre-litigation patent enforcement
  • Strategy & tactics within litigation, including defense
  • Patent portfolios and pools: quantity & quality
  • Non-practicing entities (NPEs), patent aggregation companies, and “trolls”
  • Patent litigation finance (including the champerty/maintenance and barratry issues) and insurance

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