Author Archives: Andrew Schulman

Recent news re: source code, software reverse engineering, patent litigation, etc.

2017/03/15 07:39:43 UTC Teaching Students to Marshal Evidence and Evaluate Claims Higher education can help teach students critical thinking to marshal evidence and evaluate claims, bringing scholarly best practices to the modern web. Jon Udell, 2017/03/14 08:31:35 UTC The Hardware Hacker: Adventures in Making and Breaking Hardware The Hardware Hacker: Adventures in Making and […]

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Recent news re: source code, reverse engineering, software patents, patent litigation

2017/02/09 04:44:27 UTC Microsoft Adds Patent Suit Protections For Cloud Customers Offer will help Microsoft distinguish itself from rivals in fast-growing internet-based computing market. “All of our customers are at some level becoming software providers of their own,” … Customers will be able to pick one patent from a pool of 10,000 offered — Microsoft […]

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Recent news re: source code, reverse engineering, software patents, patent litigation

2017/01/22 08:33:26 UTC Predicting Patent Policy Under the Trump Administration | Publications | Shearman & Sterling LLP The America Invents Act (“AIA”), signed into law by President Obama on September 16, 2011, was the biggest legislative overhaul to the United States patent system since the Patent Act of 1952. Among other changes, the AIA moved […]

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